A door with a Parisian-style house number.

Hi, I'm Jess

I'm big on building relationships, exploring new places and ideas, cultivating a sense of curiosity, and enjoying a nice stroll on Saturday mornings.

An iPhone, a cup of coffee, a muffin, and a plant.

"So, like, what's your deal?"

As a designer, I guide teams toward working more strategically and cross-functionally. When we work together, we win together. Other labels may apply: UX strategist, content designer, product manager, information architect, product designer, visionary storyteller... take your pick.

A wall with "put up a fucking fight for what you love" stenciled on.

But I'm more than just a job title

I've spent several years building a robust skillset and a career that aligns with my passions. I specialize in product design and experience strategy, with an emphasis on content, accessibility, and inclusive design.

Among my personal principles, I value healthy communication, mindful leadership, and a generative approach to conflict. I believe that together, we can address challenges effectively and respectfully while building strong relationships and creating amazing, impactful experiences.

Ultimately, I'm driven by a desire to nurture valuable connections and experiences so people feel welcome and capable of thriving in their environments, whether personal or professional, online or in person. I'm like Emma Woodhouse or Cher Horowitz, but with an Instagram account.

The proof is in the pudding PDFs

I've done some pretty great work lately, like defining product visions and helping bring them to life, leading cross-functional accessibility education, establishing holistic content guidelines used across a dozen products, developing a suite of design and product strategy workshops (and then facilitating those workshops), and using interpersonal skills to guide people through the conversations we're all reluctant to have.

I'm currently open to new opportunities, exciting stories, and the best pastries in Philly.

Here's my resume — the deets, if you will.
(Envie de me faire connaissance en français? Voici mon CV.)

Like what you see? Please get in touch to view my full portfolio.

For the record, my favorite pastries are pain suisse, chouquettes and madeleines.

Fancy a chat?

I'd love to hear from you.